Want to help us kick cancer into touch?
The great thing about Penguins Against Cancer...
We have ZERO administrative costs to dilute the money you donate.
All admin time and skills are kindly donated free of charge by PAC members.
Any associated admin costs are funded by PAC members out of their own pockets.
So EVERY POUND you pledge directly contributes to furthering our goal of
'Kicking cancer into touch'.

We're so grateful for any donations, no matter how small; they can be 'one-offs' or regular monthly payments via standing order, we really don't mind. Please see below for details on Gift Aid and how it can swell the amount we receive from you.
Donating just £1 a month, or even £5 or £10 if you can manage it, makes a huge difference to how much money we raise over the course of a year and are able to disburse as grants.
If you would like to donate on an ongoing monthly basis, firstly THANK YOU and secondly, please set up a standing order arrangement with your bank to pay funds directly into our account.
Equally, you can use the account details below to make a single one-off donation to us:
Name of Account: Penguins Against Cancer
Sort Code: 60-04-20
Account Number: 8942 0888
Reference: Initials Surname (One-off or Monthly)
Penguins Against Cancer (PAC) Members pay a monthly subscription (*), via standing order, Members can nominate organisations to receive grants from PAC. Nominations must be made by two Members and will be assessed to ensure they meet PAC criteria, this will be determined by the Trustees. There is also a PAC Members WhatsApp group to provide updates of activities and forthcoming events.
Please complete the address details, including postcode, this will allow us to claim Gift Aid, worth 25p for every £1. (Only applicable to UK tax payers)
* Students minimum £1 per month / Non-Students minimum £5 per month.
Gift Aid:
If you are a UK taxpayer, your donation can be worth an additional 25p per £1 donated to us, if you are eligible to take advantage.
From all of us at Penguins Against Cancer, thank you so much for your support! We can't do it without you.